Neanderthal Messiah — 108
7th Dimension | House of God
[Finishing His cup of soma, Yahweh to Tathagata:]
‘I am sending you back to Earth
But you will retain knowledge of your mission.
I will rename you Enoch.’
[His algae cape bloomed all the way down onto his forearms.]
[Immediately, in the north Himalayas, in the Denisovan’s cave
A diminutive potion-maker Homo approaches the barrel-chested Enoch:]
[Denisovan:] ‘The Essenes worship water’s transformation.’
[Tathagata now Enoch:] ‘But water in the desert is for drinking.’
[Denisovan:] ‘I’m an observer, what’s your mission?’
[Enoch:] ‘Stopping them.’ [points down into the work camp.]
[Denisovan:] ‘The Fallen Angels!! How’s that?’
[Walking to the edge of the observatory cave, Enoch picks an amanita.
Then fingers charcoal from the camouflaged fire, and wipes his mouth.]
[The Denisovan watches Enoch’s descent, camp entrance -
Massive angel Watchers don’t notice him -
When he spits chewed death cap into the stone haulers’ water barrel.]