Neanderthal Messiah — 111
A Guru Tosses Copper Powder into Fire I
‘After your brother is cast from your temple’s roof -
Your earthly father, a naked fugitive.
Family on the council that conspires -
You find your mother was raped -
[Lost in unfocused eyes, continues:]
And you’ll discern a culprit
Much closer to you than you’d have considered -
Look in your siblings’ eyes.
[A steel bell chimed in the guru’s hand.]
They’ll change your name - to INRI.’
[If, hovering, whispers into Iesu’s remaining ear:]
‘We can make Maryam the base to a pyramid -
Fire in the center
2 by two!
And you must be the Author of the Sapien story.
The Relative art lost, I cannot abide..’
[Earlier, a heavily browed man before a cave wall gallery
With red blood, red ochre, red algae pigment, and green light.]