Neanderthal Messiah — 114
Military Station Outside Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1943
‘Liaserl?’ [Through the slit — door bolt unlocks] ‘This is Doktor Wechsler
Please allow him to observe you.’
[Door closes, rebolts.]
[The doctor wears a black uniform with high collar
Skull & cross bones insignia at carotid
White lab coat over.]
[A patient within a 40 year eidetic library -
Poetry, physics, languages, history, mathematics.
She turns a head of shockingly uncombed hair:] ‘Mein Herr.’
[Dr. Wechsler writes onto clipboard:] ‘Shoes without socks.’
[A panzer rumbles by.]
[Doktor Wechsler:] ‘I have zometing for you.’
[Unbolting, and in rolls a projector, loaded reels turn by a 20 metre hall cord.]
‘I have news of your Relatives.
Now in a different world -
Of flashing bulbs and frames’ captured light -
Of celebrity…Charlie Chaplin, look! The Fuhrer himself, their friend!’
[Knob turned off — Einstein with tongue stuck out, frozen image on the wall.]
‘I could offer you a free life in Buenos Aires, for a child.’
[A passport shown with her picture - embossed Italian star within wreath.]
[Liaserl, admiring it:] ‘Natalia, nice name.’
[She thinks then nods, and the door again is unbolted.]
[An injected, flushed 15 year old Tesla family member is shoved
Into her doorway — sweating, nervous, with pants pointing.]
[Liaserl:] ‘I deliver in the New World, or I’ll show it no love. Ja?’