Neanderthal Messiah — 119
Milton 340 | Bascom Hall Basement Classroom | UW Madison XX
[Turned-around Student, confronting:] ‘ I’m so tired of being blamed for this!’
[Shocked Male Student in 2nd row:] ‘…Professor James says exegesis.’
[Female Student, turns even more:] ‘Interpret, my ass! Men are the problem!
War, rape, oppression, ogling…’
[Professor James allowing the exchange, to a degree, in her classes.]
[Male Student:] ‘Feminism?’
[Female Student, incensed:] ‘You’re damned straight, Mister!’
[And with more profanity, Professor James steps in:] ‘OK Class,
Settle down — the demise of Adam & Eve provokes much on
The theme of blame.
Also just as important, is why do we exist, is there Original Sin -
Do we still owe something?
Is it like your Sage-Allen overcoat there, your grandfather’s right?
[They were both from back East
The professor’d once commented on his inherited overcoat’s label -
Her Wrentham convent Boston accent, his CT neutral speech.]
Must these clothes be worn?’
[Male Student:] ‘Like her Tri Delt pants?
[k k r emblazoned across the Feminist’s sweatpants’ Greek behind.]
I was just reading your message — exegesis.’
[The young Feminist, turns back to the front, stands:]
‘You’re a pig!
[To her professor for support:] ‘We don’t have to stand for this!
I’m a Kappa, not Tri Delt!’
[She walks towards the door.]
[Professor James:] ‘Take your things… [door slams]
Now class - on to Feminism, this campus Eden & religion -
Through the eyes of Milton.’